
Coccyx pain or pain in tailbone during pregnancy and how to relieve it!

Did you know that up to 30% of pregnant women experience pains in their tailbone during pregnancy? This discomfort, also known as coccydynia or coccyx pain, can be challenging to manage but is a common issue faced by many expectant mothers experiencing pregnancy pains or pregnancy time pain. The pressure exerted on the tailbone due to the growing baby and hormonal changes can lead to this nagging pain that affects daily activities and overall well-being.

coccyx pain in tailbone during pregnancy
Best ways to fix coccyx pain in tailbone during pregnancy

Stay tuned to learn how to cope with this common yet bothersome pregnancy ailment.

Key Takeaways

  • Maintain good posture during pregnancy to alleviate tailbone pain.

  • Use support pillows while sitting or sleeping to reduce pressure on the tailbone and alleviate coccyx pain.

  • Apply ice or heat therapy to the affected area for pain relief.

  • Consider seeking physical therapy for tailored exercises and treatments.

  • If tailbone pain persists or worsens, consult a healthcare provider promptly.

  • Stay aware of warning signs that indicate the need for medical attention.

Understanding Tailbone Pain in Pregnancy

Tailbone Discomfort

Pregnancy tailbone pain is a prevalent issue affecting many expectant mothers. This discomfort often arises due to the pressure exerted on the tail bone region as the baby grows. The pelvic bone pain can also be attributed to the round ligament pain, causing additional strain.

The weird pregnancy symptoms of tailbone pain can range from mild aches to excruciating pain, hindering mobility and daily activities. As the pregnancy progresses, the increasing weight of the baby exacerbates the discomfort, making it challenging to sit or stand for prolonged periods.

Impact on Daily Life

The significant pain experienced in the tailbone area can make routine tasks like sitting, walking, or even lying down uncomfortable. Simple actions such as bending over or getting up from a chair become daunting due to the sharp jolts of pain. Moreover, bowel movement birth injury may occur in severe cases, leading to further complications during childbirth.

  • Pros:

    • Increased awareness about tailbone pain in pregnancy.

    • Preparation for managing discomfort during pregnancy.

  • Cons:

    • Potential impact on daily activities and quality of life.

    • Need for additional support and accommodations to alleviate pain.

Tailbone Pain Relief Pregnancy

Coping Strategies

To alleviate pregnancy tailbone pain, pregnant individuals can adopt various strategies such as using cushions for support while sitting, practicing gentle stretching exercises, and maintaining good posture. Seeking guidance from healthcare providers can help in identifying suitable pain management techniques tailored to individual needs.

Causes of Tailbone Pain

Abdominal Expansion

During pregnancy, the expansion of the abdomen causes a shift in posture, leading to added pressure on the tailbone. This increased pressure can result in excruciating tailbone pain for many women. As the belly grows, it alters the body’s center of gravity, affecting how weight is distributed and impacting the tailbone region.

Weight of the Growing Baby

The growing baby’s weight also plays a significant role in causing tailbone pain during pregnancy. The increasing weight puts additional strain on the lower back and pelvic area, which can exacerbate existing achy tailbone discomfort. This added pressure contributes to the amount experienced tailbone pain as the pregnancy progresses.

Lifestyle Factors

Factors such as constipation and lack of exercise can further worsen tailbone pain during pregnancy. Constipation can lead to straining during bowel movements, putting strain on the pelvic floor muscles and aggravating coccyx pain. A sedentary lifestyle with little to no physical activity can contribute to back pain and discomfort in the tailbone area.

Improving Posture for Relief

Posture Adjustments

Implement posture adjustments to alleviate tailbone pain. Maintaining good posture is crucial in reducing discomfort in the tailbone region. Simple modifications like sitting up straight, distributing weight evenly, and avoiding slouching can make a significant difference.

Sitting Techniques

Learn specific sitting techniques to reduce pressure on the tailbone. Utilize cushions or pillows to support your lower back and hips while sitting. Avoid prolonged periods of sitting and take breaks to stretch and walk around to relieve pressure on the tailbone.

Importance of Proper Posture

Understand the importance of maintaining proper posture throughout the day to ease discomfort. Poor posture can exacerbate tailbone pain during pregnancy. Engage in comfortable stretches that focus on improving musculature lumbar spine mobilization and hip mobilizations to alleviate pain.

Reducing Tailbone Pressure

Adjusting Sitting Positions

When sitting, ensure to sit on a cushioned surface or use a doughnut-shaped cushion to alleviate tailbone pressure. Avoid sitting for prolonged periods and remember to shift positions frequently.

Implementing Tailbone-Friendly Exercises

Engage in low-impact exercises like swimming or prenatal yoga to strengthen muscles around the tailbone area. Focus on exercises that promote flexibility and mobility in the spine and pelvis.

Distributing Weight Evenly

When standing, distribute your weight evenly between both feet to reduce pressure on the tailbone. Avoid standing for long durations without shifting your weight from one foot to the other.

Lifestyle Modifications for Tailbone Relief

Make adjustments in your daily routine by avoiding heavy lifting or activities that strain the tailbone area. Incorporate gentle stretches into your routine to relieve tension in the sacrotuberous ligament.

Using Tailbone Relief Products

Consider using specialized cushions designed to reduce pressure on the tailbone while sitting. These cushions often have a cutout section to alleviate direct contact with the tailbone.

Seeking Professional Help

Consult with a healthcare provider or a physical therapist for tailored advice on tailbone joint mobilization techniques. They can provide guidance on exercises and therapies to alleviate tailbone tension.

Maintaining Proper Posture

Maintain good posture throughout the day by sitting up straight, avoiding slouching, and supporting your lower back with a cushion when sitting. Good posture helps in reducing strain on the tailbone.

Using Support Pillows


Support pillows can relieve tailbone pain during pregnancy by providing cushioning for the sit bones. They help distribute the weight more evenly, reducing pressure on the tailbone.

Support pillows also promote proper alignment of the spine, which can alleviate discomfort caused by the growing baby bump. By supporting the lower back and hips, they aid in maintaining a comfortable sitting position.


There are various types of support pillows available for pregnant women experiencing tailbone pain. Donut-shaped pillows are designed to alleviate pressure on the tailbone by allowing you to sit without direct contact on the affected area.

Wedge pillows provide support under the buttocks, tilting the pelvis slightly forward and reducing strain on the tailbone. These pillows are versatile and can be used while sitting or lying down.


The effectiveness of support pillows in reducing tailbone pressure varies depending on the individual’s specific needs and preferences. While some women find significant relief with these pillows, others may need to try different types to determine what works best for them.

In addition to using support pillows, maintaining good posture and taking breaks to stand and stretch can further help alleviate tailbone pain during pregnancy.

Trying Ice or Heat Therapy

Applying Ice Therapy

Applying ice therapy can help reduce inflammation and numb the tailbone area, providing relief from pain. To apply ice effectively, wrap a cold pack in a cloth and place it on the tailbone for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this process every 2-3 hours for optimal results.

Applying Heat Therapy

Heat therapy is beneficial for relaxing muscles and improving blood flow to the tailbone region. To apply heat, use a warm compress or a heating pad on the affected area for 15-20 minutes. Make sure to avoid direct contact with the skin to prevent burns or discomfort.

Benefits of Ice and Heat Therapy

  • Ice therapy helps in reducing swelling and numbing the pain.

  • Heat therapy relaxes muscles and enhances blood circulation.

  • Alternating between ice and heat therapy can provide a comprehensive approach to managing tailbone pain effectively.

Tips for Effective Temperature Therapy

  1. When using ice therapy, ensure to wrap the cold pack in a cloth to avoid direct contact with the skin.

  2. For heat therapy, maintain a moderate temperature to prevent burns or skin irritation.

  3. It’s essential to limit each session of ice or heat therapy to 15-20 minutes to prevent any adverse effects on the skin.

Importance of Temperature Therapy

Temperature therapy plays a crucial role in managing tailbone pain, especially during pregnancy. The application of ice or heat can help in reducing discomfort, improving mobility, and enhancing overall well-being during this sensitive period.

Seeking Physical Therapy

Strengthening Exercises

Engage in specific exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the tailbone, such as the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises can help alleviate discomfort and improve overall musculoskeletal health during pregnancy.

Consider practicing Kegel exercises, which target the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises enhance stability in the pelvic region, potentially reducing pressure on the tailbone and minimizing pain.

Tailored Treatment Plans

Consult a prenatal chiropractic specialist or a physical therapist who specializes in musculoskeletal pain during pregnancy. These professionals can develop a personalized treatment plan to address tailbone pain effectively.

A physical therapist will evaluate your condition, considering factors like posture, muscle strength, and range of motion. Based on this assessment, they will create a tailored plan that may include exercises, manual therapy, and ergonomic recommendations.

Benefits of Physical Therapy

  • Tailored Approach: Physical therapy offers personalized care tailored to your specific needs and condition.

  • Expert Guidance: Working with a specialist ensures that you receive expert guidance on managing and alleviating tailbone pain.

  • Holistic Care: Physical therapy focuses on improving overall musculoskeletal health, promoting better posture and mobility.

Knowing When to Seek Help

Signs and Symptoms

Tailbone pain during pregnancy can sometimes indicate more serious issues. Watch out for persistent discomfort, especially in the later trimesters as it may signal the need for medical attention. If the pain is severe or accompanied by numbness or tingling, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider promptly.

Importance of Timely Intervention

Seeking help for tailbone pain is vital to ensure both maternal and fetal well-being. Ignoring persistent pain can lead to further complications and affect daily activities. Early intervention can help in managing the discomfort effectively and prevent it from worsening.

Consulting Healthcare Providers

When experiencing significant tailbone pain, it’s advisable to consult with healthcare professionals such as obstetricians, physical therapists, or chiropractors specialized in prenatal care. They can provide tailored solutions to alleviate the pain and discomfort, ensuring a smoother pregnancy experience.

Many ways to relief tailbone pain in pregnancy

Understanding the causes of tailbone pain and how to alleviate it during pregnancy is crucial for your comfort and well-being. By improving your posture, reducing pressure on your tailbone, using support pillows, and exploring therapy options, you can find relief and enjoy this special time more fully. Remember, it’s essential to listen to your body and seek help if the pain persists or becomes severe. Taking care of yourself is not only important for your physical health but also for your overall pregnancy experience.

Incorporate these tips into your daily routine, stay mindful of your body’s signals, and don’t hesitate to reach out to healthcare professionals for guidance. Your well-being matters, and by proactively managing tailbone pain, you can focus on the joys of pregnancy with greater ease and comfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is tailbone pain common during pregnancy?

Tailbone pain is a common issue during pregnancy due to increased pressure on the pelvic area and changes in posture. It can be uncomfortable but is usually temporary.

What are the main causes of tailbone pain in pregnancy?

Tailbone pain in pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes, increased weight and pressure on the pelvis, poor posture, or the position of the baby putting pressure on the tailbone.

How can I improve my posture to relieve tailbone pain during pregnancy?

Improving your posture by sitting up straight, using a cushion to support your lower back, and avoiding slouching can help alleviate tailbone pain during pregnancy.

Are support pillows effective in reducing tailbone pain?

Support pillows, specifically donut-shaped pillows or cushions designed for pregnant women, can help reduce pressure on the tailbone and provide relief from discomfort while sitting.

When should I consider seeking physical therapy for tailbone pain during pregnancy?

If tailbone pain persists despite trying home remedies or if it significantly impacts your daily activities, consulting a physical therapist specializing in prenatal care can be beneficial.

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Cristina C. RD LDN
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